Wild Stone Castelo

The Castelo style of pre-made stone cladding panels provides a quick and easy stone panelling product with huge variance in shape and stone placement, making repetition avoidance easy.


Alicante – 281

Castelo Alicante is a stone veneer composed of staggered rectangular "Z" forms with equal heights making it easy to use for cladding and can be used for both interior and exterior applications.


Tatran – 288

Castelo Tatran is a stone veneer composed of staggered rectangular "Z" forms with equal heights making it easy to use for cladding and can be used for both interior and exterior applications.


Vigo – 213

Castelo Vigo is a stone veneer composed of staggered rectangular "Z" forms with equal heights making it easy to use for cladding and can be used for both interior and exterior applications.
